Sunday, October 10, 2010

Nigel Hawken in Zambia

Nigel Hawken (NSW Deacon candidate) is in Zambia for 7 weeks with the Face to Face 2010 program, as part of his formation for ministry. We pray for Nigel at this time of wonder and discovery, and for his family who remain at home in Australia.

Nigel in Zambia with Face to Face
Recently, Nigel was featured in the Out and About Publication (August 2010, Edition 22), reflecting on his experiences at United Theological College. Here is a summary of the article:

"I have been around college life since 2005. I only started as a part-time candidate in 2007, having worked in church and community service organisations in youth and family work, counselling and relationship education after my decade of training and work in electrical and computer engineering.
Development in personal and spiritual growth has occurred on so many fronts, especially preaching and leading worship, adjusting to different modern and ancient forms of worship and learning to sing unfamiliar hymns. I now have a renewed confidence in our compassionate Christ, our Creator's amazing handiwork and the Spirit's gentle leading. I have grasped some of the diversity of Christian disciplines and how they complement and sometimes compete against each other. I am a big believer in life-long learning so I know I will continue to discover more in coming years and decades.
I always knew before becoming a candidate that I was drawn to a pastoral care and chaplaincy ministry and so to have been accepted as a Pastoral Care Worker at St Vincent's Public Hospital is an answer to prayer.
I am excited about future ministry with God. Throughout the rest of my life I hope to be used within the wider church and the community - locally, nationally and internationally.
I am still humbled about my upcoming cross-cultural experience to Zambia before I finish the year and can't wait to see what God cultivates in me overseas. As I prepare to leave, following God's call for this next stage, I eagerly look forward to what's next and for the further work God will do within me".

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