Friday, December 17, 2010

Aimee - EAPPI volunteer in Bethlehem

Aimee Kent, a Deacon candidate (NSW) has been in Bethlehem for three months on an EAPPI volunteer placement. An amazing experience, especially monitoring the checkpoints in the wall around Bethlehem! Sobering at this time of the year.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

DOTAC (Deacons of the Americas and Caribbean)

The Deacons in the region of North and South America and the Caribbean will be holding a conference in Oklahoma City, July 14-19th 2011, exploring the theme of Chairs - at the feet of God. A promotional spot can be seen here, including some reflections on the theme. Registration details will be posted on the DOTAC website. This conference may be of interest to some Deacons in the UCA, particularly gaining a broader understanding of and learning from deacons in the DOTAC region. Study leave for 2011, anyone?