Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sharon Cutts - ordination

Sharon Cutts
What great news that Sharon was ordained as a Deacon on June 18th at 2pm at Wentworthville Uniting Church. Congratulations to Sharon!
Sharon continues in her role at Wentworthville UC. 
You can read Rev’d Charles M. Vesely’s sermon at Sharon’s ordination here


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Meg Evans in Frontier Services News May 2011

It's great to see Meg Evans in this month's Frontier Services News (pages 17-19), with an interview about her work with Frontier Services in the Midlands of Tasmania. Meg of the Midlands - definitely has a catchy ring to it! A good read. Blessings to Meg in her ministry in the heart of Tasmania.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Welcome to Susan!

Absolutely delighted to welcome Susan Doughty to the world of diakonia as a new candidate for ministry of Deacon. Susan lives in Port Lincoln with her family. Please pray for Susan and her family in what will be a significant time of transition.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wellspring Community national gathering

The national gathering of Wellspring Community was held recently in WA. Betty Matthews, retired deacon, was part of the organising committee and other deacons were involved, with Bev Fabb and Frances Hadfield leading worship
and Lesley de Grussa Macaulay leading a post conference trip. Jean Stirling, retired deacon from SA was in attendance. The gathering focussed on working towards a caring future. The first day focussed on Reconcilation with Mark bin Bakar from Broome being the key note speaker, and the afternoon spent visiting the site of the Pinjarra Massacre. In the evening Mary G (Mark's altar ego) entertained the gathering. The second day focussed on building a peaceful future through inter faith dialogue with speakers from a variety of faith traditions. Sustainability was the theme of the third day with Paul Newman, Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University as the main speaker. The gathering ended with a commissioning service for the new leadership of the Community.