Rev Heather den Houting |
The floods have been devastating but now the focus is on rebuilding communities. Rev (Deacon) Heather den Houting is Minister at
Kenmore Uniting Church, which is currently set up to act as an aid and distribution centre for donations from the local community. The donated goods will be distributed in the local area, and that which is not used will be regularly transported to other flood affected towns.
Rev Karyl Davison |
Rev (Deacon) Karyl Davidson has worked with others to prepare a flood liturgy and prayers of intercession for use in worship which can be found online
here. They are in PowerPoint format. (The lament was written by Jennifer Farquhar, Secretary, Presbytery of Central Qld. PowerPoints compiled by Karyl Davison, Rural Ministry Coordinator, Presbytery of Central Qld, and the Queensland Synod Communication Services Unit). Photos used with permission and taken by Uniting Church members and associates in December 2010 and January 201