Thursday, December 15, 2011

Aimee's moving to Goulburn

Aimee Kent has completed her formation for ministry and in 2012 will be one of the Ministers in Goulburn. Her main task will be to foster a new Uniting Church Faith Community. Ordination into the ministry of Deacon in mid January. Congratulations, Aimee!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

National Ministers Conference 2011 - Adelaide (Fresh Expressions)

Juleen Villis writes:
I have spent the last week attending the National Minister’s Conference 2011 - Adelaide. It was great to catch up with many of my deacon colleagues again; however most of the 100+ attendees were Ministers’ of the Word. On reflection I am struck by the profound diaconal nature of almost everything that was said throughout the week as we were encouraged to explore ways to engage those who are ‘ not yet members of any church’. Phrases such as ‘out there’, ‘taking the altar to the people, not bringing the people to the altar’, ‘incarnational mission’ that ‘encompasses God’s mission for the whole world’ made me feel right at home and an excitement in realising the unique opportunity deacons have to encourage all ministers in the quest to do ministry diaconally. This does not mean that all minister’s must be deacons, but that those of us who have a call and gifts for ministry to ‘those not yet members of any church’ can lead the way when, inevitably change becomes difficult. The conference made it clear that this move toward what is a more diaconal way of doing ministry is imperative if the church is to not only survive, but thrive in the 21st century.
I would be interested in the comments of other deacons who attended the conference.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Congratulations to Peter

It's always fascinating to learn about what Deacons get up to. In the recent Australian Masters Games in Adelaide, Rev Peter Wait (Deacon) took part in the Mens Pole Vault, and he came first in his age group with 2.7 metres. Wondering how this accomplishment and obvious athletic skills might say something about diakonia? Congratulations, Peter!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Naomi's on the move

Naomi Rosenberg (Ministry of Deacon), along with her husband Marty (Minister of the Word) are on the move after four years on Southern Yorke Peninsula (SYP), with ten congregations and ministry in the community. Marty will be taking up a placement at Sunset Rock UC. Naomi will take a break from diaconal ministry responsibilities for a while. We look forward to hearing further news from Naomi and Marty as they settle back into life in Adelaide.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Congratulations to Elaine

Congratulations to Dr Elaine Ledgerwood who graduated today with a PhD.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rev Christa Megaw

Christa was ordained as a Deacon on 21st August, 2011 at a service at Adelaide West UC, along with four others ordained as Ministers of the Word. Congratulations, Christa!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sandy in Moshi, Tanzania for World DIAKONIA Executive

Rev Sandy Boyce has been in Moshi, Tanzania, for the DIAKONIA World Federation Executive meeting in the last week of July. Students from Lyamungo Secondary High School joined the DIAKONIA Executive, and entertained with many songs.

Denise Champion - Johannesburg

The 12th World Assembly of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women will be held in Johannesburg from 10th to 16th August, 2011, with eleven Australians attending. The conference theme is Bambelela! (‘Never give up!) Christ is our hope!

Around 1000 women from 60 countries will gather for the conference, which includes worship, learning, social action, Bible Study, conversation, music and so much more. There is an excellent line up of leaders and speakers

Denise Champion, a Deacon candidate for Ministry from the SA Synod will travel to Johannesburg as the Uniting Church in Australia indigenous representative. Denise has been a faithful member of the Uniting and Aboriginal Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) for many years, and has worked on the SA Regional Council and as the state's Women’s coordinator and other projects.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Christa Megaw to be ordained

The SA Synod & Presbytery meeting in June 2011 agreed to ordain Christa Megaw in August as a Deacon in the UCA. Christa currently works in the International Mission team, part of Mission Resourcing SA. Recently, another Deacon, Adam Tretheway, began as the other International Mission Officer, a role left vacant by Lyn Leane (Deacon candidate) so that she is able to continue her study and formation requirements for ordination.
It would be interesting to do some research into how many deacons are involved in cross cultural and multicultural ministry and mission, and how many could track the influence of cross-cultural and multicultural ministry and mission on their call to diaconal ministry.

An introduction to cosmology by Louise Mattay

Came across an article in Wellspring publication dated June 2010 written by Louise Mattay, a retired UCA Deacon. 'An introduction to cosmology'makes for an interesting read. She quotes from several authors including Brian Swimme, who describes in The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos – Humanity and the New Story the difference between Cosmology and Science. ‘Science is not the same as cosmology, even when a cosmology is deeply informed by science. Cosmology is the story of the birth, development and destiny of the universe, told with the aim of assisting humans in their task of identifying their roles within the great drama. Science on the other hand is focused on obtaining a detailed understanding of the physical processes of the universe.’ He goes on to state: ‘The great news of our time is the evolutionary story in which we come to realize that we humans are all embedded in a living, developing universe, and that we are therefore cousins to everything in the universe.... Cosmology as an ancient wisdom tradition draws from science, theology, art, poetry, and philosophy, but is, strictly speaking, its own distinct tradition. It is not a question of eschewing scientific or theological terms altogether, but rather of aiming for language arising out of our experience of living within an unfolding cosmos.’
The article invites us to recognize that 'As the new universe story seeps into our awareness, it challenges us to expand the way we think about and respond to the life around us. As clearly as the parables told by Jesus challenged his listeners to ask questions about who they were and what their relationships meant, so the new universe story challenges us. This new world view acknowledges evolution as a creative process urged on from within by the very Spirit of God’.
Fascinating reading. Thanks, Louise!
You can read the full article (and other Wellspring articles)here

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Emma Matthews - ordination

Congratulations to Emma Matthews who was ordained on 16th July. Emma has been appointed as the Chaplain at Penrhos College in Perth, commencing 25th July.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sandy visits Kaiserswerth

Sandy Boyce with Sister Gudrun, Sister Sonia and Father Raimund

part of the Diakonia cemetery at Kaiserswerth

The graves of Theodor Fliedner and his second wife Caroline

Sister Hilda, Sister Sonia and Sister Gudrun at Diakonie Kaiserswerth
Sandy spent a day in Diakonie Kaiserswerth with Sister Gudrun and Sister Sonia. This is the heart of the mother house movement for deaconesses in Germany, established by Theodor Fliedner and his wife Friederike, and supported by Theodor's second wife Caroline after the early death of Friederike. The deaconess order was a response to the social issues of the day, and also to enable single women to take up a ministry of service in the vocation of nursing.

Welcome to Frances!

This month, Frances Bartholomeusz has transitioned from candidate for MoW to candidate for Ministry of Deacon. It has been a long period of formation and discernment for Frances, and we are delighted that she has found her 'niche'. Frances has been working for several years as a hospital chaplain, with a wonderful gift of encouragement and gentle support.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sharon Cutts - ordination

Sharon Cutts
What great news that Sharon was ordained as a Deacon on June 18th at 2pm at Wentworthville Uniting Church. Congratulations to Sharon!
Sharon continues in her role at Wentworthville UC. 
You can read Rev’d Charles M. Vesely’s sermon at Sharon’s ordination here


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Meg Evans in Frontier Services News May 2011

It's great to see Meg Evans in this month's Frontier Services News (pages 17-19), with an interview about her work with Frontier Services in the Midlands of Tasmania. Meg of the Midlands - definitely has a catchy ring to it! A good read. Blessings to Meg in her ministry in the heart of Tasmania.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Welcome to Susan!

Absolutely delighted to welcome Susan Doughty to the world of diakonia as a new candidate for ministry of Deacon. Susan lives in Port Lincoln with her family. Please pray for Susan and her family in what will be a significant time of transition.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wellspring Community national gathering

The national gathering of Wellspring Community was held recently in WA. Betty Matthews, retired deacon, was part of the organising committee and other deacons were involved, with Bev Fabb and Frances Hadfield leading worship
and Lesley de Grussa Macaulay leading a post conference trip. Jean Stirling, retired deacon from SA was in attendance. The gathering focussed on working towards a caring future. The first day focussed on Reconcilation with Mark bin Bakar from Broome being the key note speaker, and the afternoon spent visiting the site of the Pinjarra Massacre. In the evening Mary G (Mark's altar ego) entertained the gathering. The second day focussed on building a peaceful future through inter faith dialogue with speakers from a variety of faith traditions. Sustainability was the theme of the third day with Paul Newman, Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University as the main speaker. The gathering ended with a commissioning service for the new leadership of the Community.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Scott's in Cambodia

Rev Scott Litchfield is based in Cambodia, working as Country Team Leader with Interserve. He and his wife Rachael reflect on some of their experiences on their blogsite. Please pray for Scott, Rachael and their sons Tennyson and Elliot in a challenging situation, including mastering the Khmer language.

Friday, April 15, 2011


The first edition in 2011 of news from the World DIAKONIA Federation (which include Deacons in the UCA) is now available. Check out the DIAKONIA World News on the DIAKONIA UCA website.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mt Druit Community Ministry (MDCM)

Rev John Dacey, a Deacon in the Uniting Church in Australia, is the Team Leader at MDCM. It was established in 2003 as a cooperative ministry of the Parramatta-Nepean Presbytery of the UCA, and Catholic Diocese of Parramatta. Based in the Bidwell Uniting Church Community Centre it provides a place of welcome and hospitality, and a range of community based programs focusing on personal and community capacity building to people living in the Mt Druitt region, one of the most disadvantaged communities in NSW.
The Community welfare programs include a Community Animation Project, a community and personal transformation program facilitating residents in action for change and learning for personal growth. It is jointly funded by UnitingCare NSW.ACT and Catholic Social Services, Parramatta Diocese.
MDCM also coordinates a Housing Communities Program, funded by Housing NSW. It is a community development project that aims to increase social cohesion and wellbeing. It utilizes the Asset Based Community Development framework and other engagement and participation strategies.
The Willmont CyberCafe (funded by Housing NSW, DOCS and other partners) is a community enterprise involving training programs, volunteering and community activities centred on Information and Communication Technology and café operations.
MDCM has numerous programs and groups for children, youth, young others and older people, including mentoring and home tutoring to high absentee primary school students.
It has developed into a significant and respected service in the area, demonstrating its commitment and capacity to implement and successfully maintain programs that build community capacity and existing strengths; and to build successful partnerships with churches, community service providers and others.
The service supports in excess of 2000 people annually and is operated by seven paid staff supported by six volunteers. The operating costs are met through financial contributions from Catholic Social Services, the Uniting Church and UnitingCare NSW.ACT, along with small donations, and government grants.
(source: UnitingCare report)

The rural chaplain: pastoral carer and advocate people in tough times

Rev Kel Hodge, Rural Chaplain
Rev Kel Hodge is the Uniting Church's Rural Chaplain in New South Wales and the ACT. His brief is far from simple. He has a massive geographical area to cover and increasingly difficult situations in which to minister. Kel's appointment was initially a component of the Uniting Church's natural disasters response strategy. As well as providing encouragement and pastoral care to people facing tough times, he advocates for individuals and groups in rural areas and liaises with government bodies, the Synod Disaster Response Committee, and the Rural Support Service, a sub-committee of the Central West Presbytery which was established to support rural projects across NSW.
He knows what is happening to people and families as they try to pick up their lives, begin again, and cope with situations that have started to get beyond their control. Kel says that connecting with others working in community welfare and development has been one of the most worthwhile, and necessary, parts of his job.
'A knowledge of who is out there, what they do and how they operate within their particular fields is essential for the position of Rural Chaplain. While the established church networks are important and useful, much of my role is concerned with the wider community in areas that churches do not reach'. The importance of sustaining a reasonable quality of life in rural NSW in the face of disasters is a position that some groups are questioning.
Kel says, 'An economic rationalist would have us believe that individuals and communties that are not economically sustainable under the pressure of natural disasters have no right to be propped up by the rest of the economic system'.
'I do not believe that it would be wise or just to only consider the problems associated with living and working in the country through the eyes of an economic rationalist. In fact, as Christians, we are called to look at another's misfortune through the eyes of Jesus who helped those who were suffering'.
As a rural chaplain, much of Kel's time has been given to listening to people talk about their concerns, whether they are financial, emotional, relational or spiritual.
Kel says, 'I have been impressed with the response by our church to the call of Jesus Christ to be compassionate to those suffering. Many people within our church have made great efforts to express their faith in service to the people of rural NSW. We hear a lot of talk about how our church communities are dysfunctional. I wish to share with you the good news about the Spirit of God working through the compassion of others in our small part of the world'.
Source: NSW Synod website

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Diaconia: Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice

Diaconia Journal
This new journal aims to:

* contribute to new research and interpretation of Christian social practice with and among the marginalised
* to hear, interpret and communicate the voices in the field
* analyse the social and political context of ministry

The journal will include interdisciplinary research, and topics on biblical, ethical, dogmatic and contextual theologies, historical, socio-scientific and practical aspects of the diaconia and Christian social practice.

Contributions are also welcomed!

It would be great if this journal was available in theological libraries for use by Deacons and Deacon candidates, as well as anyone interested in diaconal ministry.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nigel's ordination

Laying on of hands and prayers for Nigel
Congratulations to Nigel Hawken who was ordained on 4th March 2011 as a Uniting Church Deacon by Parramatta Nepean Presbytery, and inducted into the pastoral team ministry at St Vincent's Hospital by the Sydney Presbytery of the UCA.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hungry no More celebrates 10 years

Juleen Villis
Rev Juleen Villis is in placement (0.5) with the Hungry No More (MNM) project. It is a response to the identified need for a free community meal with some Christian input for people in the Mount Barker region, and especially for those who are homeless, lonely, poor, and/or have suffered depression and addiction problems. The broad volunteer base includes five UCA groups, a local Anglican church, a Rotary club and individuals, and provides and serves a weekly meal,  with a smaller group of volunteers committed to the week by week organisation of HNM and to the children’s The Mount Barker linked congregations have employed a youth worker and a junior youth worker for HNM - each for 3 hrs/week. The main aim is to build a Christian community that includes and empowers people who have often been excluded, rejected and forgotten.

HNM started as a meal with a ten minute devotion in February 2001 and this month celebrates ten years. Congratulations to the team who has fanned this initiative into life and sustained it for ten years!

Cogs is moving to Blackwood

Cogs is on the noticeboard
Coral Cogs Smith  is looking forward to beginning the newly created .5 position of “Outreach Ministry Worker” at Blackwood UCA.
Blackwood is a suburb in the Adelaide Hills.  It will be a change of pace after 10 years of congregational ministry in older congregations in the Western Suburbs of Adelaide. She will be working in a team ministry with the Rev Leanne Jenski (MoW). Blackwood is a larger congregation of about 275 regular attenders over two services (9.15 & 11.00).
As well as a playgroup and other activities, they run an extensive community program  of arts, crafts, yoga, men’s shed etc.

Cogs will take up a role in the community programs, to build on existing programs as well as develop new initiatives. The existing community programs have an average attendance of 300 people and runs in school terms. A paid coordinator administrates these programs.

Cogs work as the Outreach Ministry Worker  position is threefold-
- To support and encourage leaders, volunteers and participants of existing outreach programs.
- To seek opportunities to enhance and build on existing programs.
-  To identify and develop new initiatives for community engagement.

Cogs writes, “It is a great opportunity to do some deacon work!  When I was going through college, I can remember the then principle shaking his head and saying, “what will you do when you leave college”.

I always hoped to be able to go to a position like this one.”

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gavin Blakemore's ordination

Gavin with two other ordinands
Congratulations to Gavin on his ordination on Saturday 29th January, 2011. 
Gavin continues in his placement as Community Worker at UnitingCare, Hotham Mission which  is the community and justice arm of the Hotham Parish and is part of a network of community service agencies across Australia.

Queensland floods

Rev Heather den Houting
The floods have been devastating but now the focus is on rebuilding communities. Rev (Deacon) Heather den Houting is Minister at Kenmore Uniting Church, which is currently set up to act as an aid and distribution centre for donations from the local community. The donated goods will be distributed in the local area, and that which is not used will be regularly transported to other flood affected towns. 
Rev Karyl Davison

Rev (Deacon) Karyl Davidson has worked with others to prepare a flood liturgy and prayers of intercession for use in worship which can be found online here. They are in PowerPoint format. (The lament was written by Jennifer Farquhar, Secretary, Presbytery of Central Qld. PowerPoints compiled by Karyl Davison, Rural Ministry Coordinator, Presbytery of Central Qld, and the Queensland Synod Communication Services Unit). Photos used with permission and taken by Uniting Church members and associates in December 2010 and January 201